Here we go again; this is a dream that’s for sure…
I was walking in a long corridor, I looked down and I saw that I was wearing that dress again. Music…I hear music so I walk towards it. It becomes louder and I can hear people talking and laughing too.
On my way I catch my reflection in the mirror and I stop to look at it. I look beautiful and then I see my medallion, I smile at the thought of having it around my neck, it was an important present and it had to be with me at all time, it was special.
I kept walking and finally found the place where the music and voices were coming from…it was a ball dance.
People turned to look at me when I came in, I received a lot of smiles and praising comments, I felt really happy it looked as if tonight was going to be a special night.
I walked towards an old man that hugged me and kissed my cheek when he saw me.
“Thank you very much for allowing us to use your home for our celebration” I said to him
“It’s an honour Miss McGraw; you well know that he’s like a son to me” he said with a huge smile
“He’s not here yet but I can’t find Christopher either”
“He must be on his way, not to worry” I smiled at him, lowered my head in reverence and walked away, away from the room, away from the noise and into…huh oh! This room again.
I was in a big and bright room with big golden curtains and a huge bed, princess style, there were many paintings on the walls, like the ones you see in the times of kings and queens. I was making myself more beautiful for the night sat in front of a mirror. My dressing table had all this perfumes and golden combs plus lots of jewellery.
I shivered suddenly, something was about to happen. I heard a scream from one of the rooms and I ran towards it to take a quick look. I saw one of my guards being attacked by something, I gasped but I couldn't move then my eyes met its red eyes and I screamed as that thing snapped the head of the guard and flew across the hall, through the door and into my room.
Its red eyes focused on me but I could now see his face, Leonard…his glance focused on my neck? No, on my medallion. Gabriella he said and then he showed his canine teeth at me furiously. He walked towards me so fast that it was a blur, in no second he was in front of me, he ripped my medallion from its chain, opened his mouth and leaned forward….I yanked my eyes open this is seriously getting intense
“Are you ok?” I almost screamed I forgot he was still in here and he was in the same place I left him last night, by the window.
“Yes, I just had a nightmare”
“What do you actually see?”
“Everything…is like being sent to the past in a time machine, everything is so clear that it scares me” he sat on my bed.
“What did you see today?”
“I saw again the night she died, but this time it started earlier. I usually get into the dream a few minutes before she's attacked but this time I got to walk around your house and I saw your father”
“You saw my father?”
“Yes...what is this?” I said pointing to my medallion “she was looking at it a lot”
“I gave it to her” great just great “I found it close to her body and I gave it to her family…to your family”
“Gabrielle?” said Jeremy from across the door “are you awake?”
“I’ll be down in a minute Jeremy”
“See you later” he said kissing my forehead and disappearing from my room.
After cleaning up I went downstairs but Jeremy wasn’t there just Elizabeth .
I sat in silence eating my cereal, she was reading the papers. It actually was a good moment to ask her about a few things but I hesitated a lot, so much that she was about to leave when I reaccione.
“I wasn't going to ask you about it because I didn't care... but now I want to know, I need to know why you abandoned me. ” She sat back down and looked me in the eye
“I never did”
“You never did? is your chance to explain”
“I know from Jeremy that you've been asking about our family, as you can see they're dead is just us now and you've seen what happened in St. Martyr’s day and this days more than ever... this place is dangerous I wanted you out of here and that's what I did”
“As your father did with you, ok I can understand that but why didn't you come with me?”
“I couldn't… I have a commitment with this town”
“And what about your commitment with me; your daughter! Did you ever ask dad about me? You never even called”
“I don't hope you to understand now... but you will”
“Don't hold anything back, this is the first time we are really talking about if there's something you are not telling me cause you are protecting me or something don't you think I'd be better off knowing what it is so I can fight against it?”
She stared at me for a while
“I can't... whatever I've ever done and I'm doing now is to protect you, I don't want you to think never again that I didn't love you that I abandoned you cause is not are the most important thing that has ever happened to me” her eyes started watering that made me feel uncomfortable but I kept asking.
“Then why you never told me? Why did you let me step on you like I did?”
“Maybe I deserved it. And it was your decision anyway, I wasn't going to use it as excuse to get close to you, it was your decision to want to ask about it. And I'm glad you did... do you think there is a chance of a hug here? now?”
I let her hug me and it was cool.
“Gabrielle please be careful, I might not be around for much longer”
I was about to protest but she hushed me, she wanted to just enjoy the moment and I did too, so I gave in.
Anyway she gave away much more than she thought. She is protecting me from something…now what’s that something. Oh god does she know??
After our mother-daughter momentum she left and I was left alone with my thoughts again.
She said she was protecting me...from this place? Yes… but there's more and if she won't tell me I'll find someone that will.
I wanted to ask Christopher about it but he holds things on me, I feel like he's over protecting me, as if he didn't want me to know the whole story and that irritated me, always editing information. But I knew someone that would tell me...I needed to see Leonard, and I needed him now otherwise this intrigue would leave me without air.
It’s strange, now that I think about it it’s been ages I haven't hold my breath, I don't feel the need for that pain again.
I wonder where I can meet him without Christopher knowing otherwise he won't let him tell me.
I called Leonard hoping he would meet me, the last time we spoke it was painful for him but this is not about Gabriella is about Elizabeth and what she is hiding from me. So I called him and told him that I needed to talk to him, it was an emergency and that Christopher shouldn't know about this.
He agreed to meet me "outside town there is place where I usually go is quiet and Christopher doesn't know about it" he said, so I drove to that place.
It was a beautiful lake in a meadow with lots of docks and colourful flowers.
When I pulled over I saw him feeding them, it was a really sweet picture to take.
I wanted to scare him as he couldn't hear my thoughts it shouldn't be difficult, so I left the door of the car partially open. It was a beautifull but deserted place covered with lost of trees almost hidden I doubted there were people around, and if there were people Leonard wouldn't let them take my car.
I walked really slow making just tiny movements so it wouldn't make noise, glancing at the grass form time to time so I wouldn't trip with anything or over anything and when I looked back up…he wasn't there anymore.
I looked around looking for him but I couldn't find him, I stood there for a few seconds I swear he was here and he suddenly grabbed me from behind lifting me in the air as if I was a doll
"I can't hear your thoughts but I can still hear you" he sniffed from my hair "and smell you mmh...roses" he finally put me down.
"Hello Miss Thomas" and he made a reverence like they used to do in the old times "what can I do for you?" he was being really nice and it was weird, I didn't know if to like it or not. I hesitated for a bit I didn’t know how to start
"Can we seat somewhere?" He took my hands and pulled me down to seat on the grass I looked at him frowning
"You said somewhere."
"What can you tell me about Elizabeth ?" I said straight away
"Your mother?" For the first time it didn't disturb me that much to hear somebody address her as my mother
"What are you really asking what do you want to know? And why this has to be a secret?"
"Christopher wouldn't tell me if I ask him and wouldn't let you tell me either, and about Elizabeth ...does she know about you? Being a vampire I mean"
"Christopher didn't explain you the situation?”
"No...He didn't. what situation?"
"I see...this is going to be fun"
"I already knew that he was hiding things from me but I never thought he would hide something that involves Elizabeth , I thought he just didn't want me to know about the past"
"This involves the past and I'm rethinking if I should even tell you"
"It all starts with Gabriella" is incredible how everything takes us back to her, so much for not wanting to hurt him
“By the time she...died they already knew about the existence of vampires here in Zoneville. There were rumours about people drinking blood, so when they found her body they guessed they had a vampire in Zoneville..." He hesitated a lot I think he was still debating if he should tell me or not

I told him to tell me everything he knew and like I expected he did.
He told me that it all became more secret, that before, everybody knew about them but they were hunted till extinction or at least that was what they thought, that as time passed and the attacks stopped they starter to minimise the knowledge in people about vampires.
Just one member of each family would know about them to protect their families and to protect the town. But not all the families just the McGraw's family (that’s my family), Martyr’s family (Christopher’s), Julian's family (Sam’s), Sheridan 's family (Ben’s) and William’s family.
Those people are the members of the town's council too.
My grandma was a member of the council, when she died my grandpa took over luckily enough both of them knew about vampires but before she died she let Meredith (Elizabeth ’s older sister) know about it too.
After gram's death grandpa sent their kids to California and when he died they came back because Meredith needed to take over.
As he told me all this, my thoughts were getting in order bit by bit. I was trying to put together all the information I’ve been catching since I came here. For what Jeremy told me Meredith got in the council cause she was the oldest sister, as well as in the other families, the next generation is always created by the first child of each member so when they went to California Meredith already knew... while Elizabeth and Jeremy were living their lives as if everything was normal she already knew the secret, so when they got back to Zoneville she took over, but then she died probably hunting and…she told Elizabeth about it just in case something happened to her?? And something did happen so Elizabeth now knows!!! Aaah headache
“Does Jeremy know yet?” I asked Leonard very nervous
“Probably not… I don't think so”
“But in St. Martyr’s day he went hunting”
“Yes, like the rest of the man in town. But the council goes their on way so what the rest of the people really hunts are animals” *sigh* ok...this is so confusing
“This has been going on from the 17 century and it will go on till the end of the days Gabrielle. They want revenge and some day they will get it, as you can see they are taking every family of the council out, member or not, there will be a day”
“When nobody will know” I said under my breath
“Exactly and vampires will run free over town”
I started to feel breathless, dizzy; my head was spinning around like a noria.
“Are you ok Gabrielle? You don’t look good” He put his hand on my forehead “*sigh* there’s no use, I can't know if that's your real temperature” so he tempted to take his hand off but I put it back on my forehead and closed my eyes.
“It feels good” it was true, his hands were ice cold exactly what I needed… we looked into each other eyes for a moment and then he seemed annoyed.
“I shouldn't have told you”
“No! Is worse if I don't know” my eyes started moistoring without previous notice “she knew” I said while tears started derramandose off my eyes
“That's why she sent me away oh my god… but she never told me anything how was I supposed to know?” Leonard took me into his arms and hugged me, he was cool but I needed his hug for a while.
“I’ve been so mean to her and she was protecting me”
“Is not your fault, you didn’t know”
“I need to go home; I have to talk to her”
“She can never know what you know Gabrielle”
“I know, I won’t betray you don’t worry”
“That’s not what I...” my phone started ringing and I picked it up
“Hello….hi Brook how you…what? I’m on my way”
“What’s wrong?” Leonard said
“Come with me I’ll explain in the car”
This was our opportunity to start saving people but we needed to hurry.
Once in the car I drove off to Brook’s house…she just drew another one of her weird sketches and this time she wanted to do something about it.
On our way I explained everything to Leonard, he wasn’t surprised and he already knew about witchy Jenny too. It didn’t seem fair that the cousins knew about my friends but then my friends didn’t know about the cousins, we needed to do something about it.
Anyway we got to Brook’s house and she was already out her door with Jenny waiting for me. I saw from far their surprised expressions when they saw me coming with Leonard. I told Leonard to wait for me in the car and I walked towards the girls.
“What is he doing here?” Brook said
“He was with me when you called”
“Did you tell him?” said Jenny
“That’s the least of our problems, don’t worry ok? What's this new sketch about?”
Brook opened her file and showed the sketch to me, I looked at it for a while and as I checked on every detail I realized that I knew that room
“Gabrielle what is it?” said Brook, I didn't answer I was still looking at the bed, the window, the wardrobe, the desk with the computer and specially the two people standing close the window
“Gabrielle!” Jenny insisted
“Is my room”
“What?” they said at the same time, I glanced at Leonard in the car and he was looking right at me.
“This is my room girls, those are my sheets, my desk and computer…this is my room, it’s my house….Elizabeth!” I ran to the car and they followed after me, oh god please don’t allow this to happen, not her not now.
Leonard called Christopher while I was driving.
“You need to calm down if you want us to get there in one piece” said Jenny
“I can’t… I need to hurry, if something happens to Elizabeth it would be my fault I invited him in!!”
“What are you talking about?” I turned the wheel drastically, which made the car swing around the corner and it made the girls scream, I couldn’t think about anything else, I needed to get home as fast as I could. And Jeremy? Where is he? Oh please, please…
As we arrived to the door Christopher materialised in front of us
“What the heck is that!!!” one of the girls said but right now I didn’t care if they saw something they weren’t supposed to see. Leonard and I got out of the car.
“What's going on?” asked Christopher “Gabrielle calm down, what is it?” when I was about to talk we heard something breaking from my room. I didn’t think I just ran towards the house but Christopher pulled me back.
“Wait here!” he said and got in the house, then Leonard followed but he suddenly stopped at the door.
“You need to invite me in!” He said annoyed
“You can come in”
“What’s happening Gabrielle?” said Brook and I could see her questioning eyes, but then I heard a scream and I ran into the house and upstairs as fast as I could, Brook and Jenny behind me.
When I got into the room everything was like a huge déjà vu…everything was exactly the same as Brook’s sketch, my sheets were pulled over almost on the floor, my little lump was broken and you could see the glasses scattered on the floor. Elizabeth was in front of the window facing the door and behind him was that vampire, he had her in front of him as a shield and as in the sketch his hand was putting pressure on her throat…everything was exactly the same except that now Leonard and Christopher where in one side of the room ready to attack and Jenny, Brook and I were by the door. I could see Elizabeth ’s face, I’m sure she was wondering what the cousins were doing in my room but she smiled at me.

“Nooo!” I screamed and ran towards the window but Christopher held me back while Leonard Jumped out and then Christopher followed.
I was paralysed for a moment; I couldn't believe what I just saw, what just happened.
I couldn't believe that I just had her and I lost her again.
Tears started pouring off my eyes and I felt light headed, I was hyperventilating and I started shaking…I ran to the window and I cried out loud “Elizabeth !!!....mother!!...mum!!!”
O.M.G!!! you are joking :( so she dies? oooh I'm sad now...when are you putting up the next part?
ReplyDeletethanks for the story is really interesting, there were moments where I didn't know where you were going with it but it turned out to be good...looking forward for the next one
Wow thanks for ur support Melanie, is nice to see somebody likes it, i have started already with part 2 but you'll have to wait a bit longer as I'm trying to put all the pieces together, you'll like it...i think heheh so be patient
ReplyDeletethank you xx
ReplyDeletePS: I really like the combination of the story ans the pictures you know so is not all reading
Thanks...I don't know when you started following but if you did from when I started you would notice that there wasn't any pics...then I started putting them but the first episodes just have one important picture...