“You said what!!?” said the twins at unison when they heard Christopher’s and Leonard's thoughts.
“Where is Byron?” Leonard asked and in no second he materialized in front of them with a disturbed face “is that true?” he asked to both of them Christopher nodded and turned to Renzo that was still in the same position at the sofa “is this what you sensed?” he asked but Renzo was still lost in his thoughts for a few more minutes. The rest waited for him to give them an answer, his eyes shifted to Christopher’s that was looking at him with those wild eyes again.
“No” Renzo finally said making them more confused “there's something bigger and darker coming”
Christopher shared one more glance with Renzo that nodded at him instantly and then he darted out the window not bothering to use the door.
After Leonard left the house Brook woke up disorientated not remembering much of the night. Relieve crossed her face as she realised the one seating beside her was Jeremy what’s going on in between this two? I wondered, I was really curious now.
I wouldn’t mind if there was something though, as long as they liked each other I was cool with it.
Brook was ok just feeling woozy but the one that was worrying me was Jenny.
I didn’t even know if I was going to see Jenny after this person could wake up.
We were all too tired and lazy to have dinner so Jeremy helped putting jenny in one of the guests room and Brook and I went to my room after saying goodnight to J’.
I explained her everything that happened including the strange way Jenny appeared from nowhere and saved me for a few seconds.
We didn’t tell here either about what happened in Penelope’s house so I made sure she could catch up with us. She commented me that she was worried about Jenny too. She said that Jenny never behaved like that before confirming that she was a witch.
After a few more minutes of explaining she asked me how I was doing with what was happening.
I really didn’t know how I was doing.
I was sad of course but I also was angry, frustrated more than anything else. I wasn’t handling well that I was Gabriella; I still wondered how could that be.
I took the painting of Gabriella that was still in my backpack and I asked Brook to compare it with me. Even though it was of the 17th century, after looking at it throughout she said looking at me in defeat that we looked the same. If she was to work now with the same material and technique they had back in 1703 she said that she would draw me the same way without a doubt. And the fact that I had her memories the fact that I felt what she felt made it clearer to me.
I was Gabriella. Unfortunately and irrevocably her.
Did that mean I was bound to have the same destiny? Brook’s brows narrowed at my suggestion. She was lost in thoughts for a while and then with a smile she said “no, if we can avoid it”
That didn’t help me very much because even though I wanted to stay away from them I somehow felt I shouldn’t. And well, Leonard was somewhere out there not taking me out of his sight, which suddenly made me run towards the window and close the curtains as Brook was now changing into more comfortable clothes.
There was a detail I forgot mentioning to her. They were still around us the ones with red eyes and the killers of this town.
After St. Martyr’s day they always left to then come back the following year but this time they stayed.
I remembered that day after class when I found Leonard on my way home after my tiers broke. He had blood on his lips which made me think he was the attacker, after that Christopher explained to me that he was making his patrol or round, alerted in the woods as the ones with red eyes were inexplicable still there.
Brook shuddered at my revelation, pacing from one side to another of the room “do you still think we are doing well hiding all this from Jeremy?” she said, but I gave her a confused look as that was the same thing I’ve been thinking for a while “and what will we do now?” she continued nervously “we can’t go anywhere we could easily be killed, be the victims next time” and she was damned right!
We actually had to start class the following morning with all those people wondering through town without a hint of what was happening, horror crossed my face as all that sunk in.
Danger everywhere.
I could easily stay home even though I didn’t want to. Elizabeth ’s death was still recent, it wouldn’t be a problem to stay at home with that as an excuse but then I couldn’t let Jenny and Brook alone. I wouldn’t allow them to walk through town with that danger hovering around as for what we knew, just the council and us were aware of vampires and everybody else was in the dark.
We finally slept waking up the next day with the same worries but the first thing we did was run towards Jenny’s room.
We stopped at the door fearing what we would find if that person inside didn’t wake up as the Jenny we knew and after a moment of hesitation she came out of the room making us all scream.
“What! What? What!” Jeremy said distress in his voice while running up the stairs.
“What? Nothing” Brook quickly replied, Jeremy’s eyes were now serious “why did you scream!” he continued.
Jenny was looking at us staring at us confused I would say, but she suddenly replied “sorry I was just playing a prank on them” exactly the answer we needed. Jeremy turned towards her and asked her if she was ok, Jenny glanced at us confusion in her eyes and then nodded instinctively. It looked like she didn’t know what happened.
Eventually Jeremy went back downstairs and we grabbed Jenny “what?” she said as we dragged her into my room.
Brook and I stood in silence looking at her and she looking at us until she finally spoke “What’s wrong!” she said annoyed.
“Is it really you?” Brook demanded
“Of course is me, who else would it be?” jenny replied. Silence filled the room again “stop looking at me as if I was a freak we’ll be late to school!” Jenny complained.
“Clearly you know which day it is” I said my eyes still locked into hers
“And why wouldn’t I?” she ended up talking to us as if we were kids, slow like a teacher to a child in kindergarten. We stood in silence again.
She didn’t know what happened last night and so we told her, her eyes widening at our each word.
“I don’t remember any of that” she said thoughtful “I do remember us getting in the car to go to the Zet and that’s pretty much it, I just woke up here” she had to seat down as all that registered in her brain.
“Did you feel yourself being possessed?” Brook asked and Jenny groaned “possessed? No!” she didn’t but we did.
"Breakfast’s ready!" Jeremy said interrupting our conversation and we quickly started getting ready.
We were all done and about to start downstairs when Brook stopped me with her hand, she looked at me really serious “are we really going out?” she said now fear in her eyes and I regretfully said “we have to” and we started downstairs.
In the back of my head I was hoping somebody would be looking after us and after Jeremy but that was already asking too much.
Breakfast was in silence for all of us as we wondered in our thoughts.
I could see Jenny with a worried face probably wondering what was invading her body.
Brook, fear in her eyes at the thought of us walking through town.
Jeremy still infuriated about yesterday and I worried about all those things together plus my own problems.
“You don’t need to go to school yet Gabrielle” Jeremy said breaking the silence. I could then feel two eyes staring at me alarmed as I thought about my answer “I need a distraction Jeremy, I f I stay here I’ll probably break down” I managed to say that without my voice shaking but almost breaking off, he just nodded at me. “but you should stay” I said “there’s no need for you to get out of the house, is there?” I really wished he would listen to me for once and stay “is dangerous out there” I continued.
He sighed and looked me in the eye, I didn’t like that, I was seeing a big NO coming out his mouth “I have to go see the sheriff, what happened yesterday…” he broke off “is the first time something like this happen, we need to be alert, we need to secure this town maybe go out and hunt again” that made me stiff in my chair, was he really thinking that was a good idea at all? “By the way I don’t want you away from each other and after class you three straight home, understood?” he said and we all nodded, we surely didn’t have any intention of being away from each other but I was more worried about him.
Anyway I didn't get to hold him back and he left. Lately I didn’t think it was such a bad idea for him to know the truth. If he saw the sheriff he would definitely tell him.
We went to school smoothly, not finding any trouble on our way, but this time I drove as I didn’t trust Jenny with her own body.
We agreed to stay together at all time, if we had to change class we would attach ourselves to any colleague till we were safe as we weren’t always together in the same class. And that’s how we spent the morning.
Sometimes I would see people staring at us and I would think they were vampires but then I would hear them talk about my mum’s strange and sudden death and I would get away from them, I didn’t want any reminders of that.
I didn’t have any class with the cousins yet but I never saw them around either which made me involuntarily wonder if Leonard was keeping his word of not taking me out of his sight. Like I said an involuntary thought that I brushed out of my mind with a shake of my head.
We were now changing class and each one of us would go their own way. Jenny had to change building, which worried me but she quickly found somebody to walk with. Brook walked with the teacher to music, winking at me while walking away and I was suddenly left alone in the corridors. I was still in the building, which wasn’t as bad as Jenny; the poor girl was shaking while saying goodbye to us -she actually sounded as if it was a real goodbye-.
I couldn’t find who to get attached to, as the corridor was getting empty, everybody getting into his or her respective class. I wasn’t friends with anybody else but Brook and Jenny so I didn’t have an excuse to walk with them –detail that I didn’t think about earlier-. As I walked towards the north side of the building the corridors were emptier. I didn’t know if paranoia but I started feeling followed, my breath coming out quicker, my hands getting rigid. I could hear steps behind me and I walked faster. The steps behind me also accelerated and I wasn’t walking anymore but running when a hand touched my shoulder and I couldn’t hold a scream as I turned.

“Yes, he’s ok he wasn’t at the Zet when all that happened” I said my memory going back to the dead bodies and the tainted walls
“He wasn’t? Who saved me then?” he said confused I guessed. This was a good moment to ask him about those two vampires “Leonard happened to pass by and saw you, by the way what happened in there, after Brook and I left?”
“I really don’t know, I got knocked out…again” he said embarrassed again, I guess remembering that night in St. Martyr’s day, he got knocked out too.
“Who were those two guys you were with?” I tried to sound casual didn’t want him noticing my questioning.
“I didn’t know them, they were passer bys. They asked for directions and then invited me for a drink. Cool guys but weird, they were wearing those red Lens they wear for St. Martyr’s day” he stopped for a moment and smiled at me “how you doing? You should’ve stayed at home”
“I’m ok” I said trying to go back to the two vampires “did they say something?”
“Something like what?”
“I don’t know, anything weird?” I waited for his answer as he got deep in thoughts “they did mention your name when they saw you, but Gabriella instead of Gabrielle…I found that strange” he said. My thoughts were now pointing to all sort of different directions when Ben interrupted me “but why do you ask, do you know them?” oops how would I answer this and then I heard the last bell “we’ll be late” I said dragging him to class, uff saved by the bell.
Jenny was the last getting out of her class as she stayed behind to discuss something with the teacher forgetting for an instant that she shouldn’t be alone.
After that she realised the stupidity she just committed, though everybody left that building she felt that somebody was following her as she walked down the corridors.
She could suddenly hear steps behind her and she paced faster, the steps never appeared to change their rhythm, it felt as if it was still far away from her so she eventually got out of the building but huh-ho nobody was outside either.
People were already in the other building and she couldn’t see Brook neither Gabrielle waiting for her at the entrance. By now everybody would be at the cafeteria.
She relaxed a little as she stopped hearing those steps behind her, but she couldn’t be sure that she was alone so she turned.
Her eyes widened as she realised he was closer than she thought and started walking faster almost running but the one behind her never reached to catch her. He was just walking, looking at his surroundings and at her but why would Jenny run from a person that didn’t show interest in trying to get her?
As she realised about that she stopped and turned again making him stop a few paces away from her.
She looked at him from his head to his shoes; he was weird.
He looked like ninja, an oriental ninja out of a movie. She noticed that he was extremely pale but there was something about that character that she liked. He never said anything, didn’t even bother looking at her, his eyes were wondering around the whole place so she turned and started walking again, he after her.
She sighed annoyed as she realised he was still behind her and then turned again “are you following me?” she said, her eyes now on his, it shocked her to see eyes so black and agonising.
He didn’t answer for a while, just looked at her but finally he said, “why do you ask if you already know?” she glared at him once more before turning back to her main goal, get into the building.
As he kept following her, she stopped and turned again to face him but he did already stop before she did, predicting that she would.
She gave him a weird glance wondering why did he stop before she did
“Don’t follow me” she said, he wasn’t even looking at her while she spoke and that annoyed her too much but not as much as what he was about to say.
“I don’t want to either believe me but I have to” she was about to talk when he interrupted her saying what she was supposed to say, “why?” She blinked confused as he answered her non-spoken question “because I was told to do so, I have to protect you” he said and then she realised that she knew him.

“Wow a vampire protecting a human, really?” she said comically
“Why don’t you announce it through a megaphone” he said still wondering around with his eyes. She looked around too and realised that there were people coming out.
She had an involuntary apologetic look on her face but she didn’t apologise just looked at him. Who were these creatures that were like demos but totally different to what they were suppose to be? Why were they taking care of insignificant humans like them, hiding themselves in between humans when they could rule the world, as they liked.
She suddenly found herself smiling internally.
“I know you enjoy my company, so just keep walking” he said making her confused for a while. He then touched his forehead with the tip of his finger and then she realised about what was going on.
She stupidly slapped her forehead to cover it with her hand and slowly gave two steps backwards.
“You are invading my privacy you know, and you are wrong I don’t like you!!” She said turning again and walking away as fast as she could, finally getting in the building.
He stayed behind staring at her a bit confused at her reaction “I never said you liked me” he said to himself leaning his head to the side.
Brook and I were running through the corridors as fast as we could, we got held back, well I got held back because the principal wanted to know how I was, if I needed any psychological help to carry out with my normal life. Ha! Normal , right…
We were late already. By now we should have been at the entrance waiting for Jenny but we weren’t or she should be here and she wasn’t.
As we turned on the corner we crashed with her falling on the floor, out of breath.
“Where were you?!” she scolded us but she was calmer than I expected, we quickly stood up and explained her what happened with the principal and then we asked why it took her so long to come and meet us, if something bad happened to her and Brook and I stood open mouth listening as she told us that one of the members of the cousins family was sent to protect her.
Relieved, that’s what I felt.
I didn't want them close to me but that didn't mean I would fight them if they wanted to protect my friends from afar, even like that, I wouldn't like risking them for their protection.
We run to the cafeteria, we still had enough time to seat together and talk about what to do. Once in I saw them, sat a few tables away from the one we always used and I could feel their eyes on me, is not like I didn’t already feel everybody else eyeing me but their glare was more intense –if that makes sense-.
After we got our food we sat and I could feel that same tension I felt the day I saw Leonard in here the first time. They were tense; I could see them from the corner of my eye. They were still glaring at my direction not caring about the other eyes that were on them. I could hear people commenting about them being in the cafeteria as they were never in here. They didn’t even have trays as props to play the part.
We were eating in silence for a while and then Brook that was at my left side facing them told me that they were looking at me.
As if I couldn’t notice that.
I stood up and when back to the till as I forgot to get a bottle of water. When I came back…
“They are watching your every move Gabrielle” Brook said
“They know something” Jenny said “we should talk to them” she continued and with and almost growl I answered “NO! Don’t you see I have to be away from them to avoid ending up like I did?!
“Are you sure that’s the way to avoid it?” Brook said making me turn to look at them, they were still in that tense position and alert but their eyes looked confused, they lost focus for a moment.
“We don’t know were those vampires are. They could be anywhere and specially now that we know they can walk under the sun they could even be here” Brook continued saying but I was firm in my decision “I want to keep my distance” I said making them both seat back in defeat.
I was afraid of getting to Latin class –that was our next class- as we would all be in there, in the same room. But not as much as I was afraid to History, in history I had Christopher one table away from me. This wasn’t gonna be easy.
We got into Latin and I couldn’t even pay attention as I felt that tension around me again, I could feel two pair of eyes on my back –they were both seating behind me one chair away from each other-.
After the whole hour being pretty much aware of their stare I stormed out with the girls and eventually got into History with Jenny after taking Brook to her class.

The copies were passing from hand to hand till it got to me and I had to give it to Christopher –c’mon could this get any harder?- I meant to live them on the table beside me so he could pick them from there but I was so clumsy that all the copies fell on the floor –damn it- I quickly got down my knees and started picking them up what I didn’t expect was that he would do the same. He started picking them up too and there was one left that I attempted to pick thinking he would know I would do it so he wouldn’t have to pick it up. But he reached towards it making our hands touch –that sent my heart into a state of coma for a few seconds- I yanked mine away as fast as I could and sat back on my chair. He did the same eventually.
After we all had a copy of the diary in hour hands Mr. Kent had the great idea of switching off the lights, -which made my heart start beating quickly this time- and seated as far away from us as possible –damn it!-
I could feel the electricity, the sparks I didn’t want to feel and I quickly leaned farther away from him. I stupidly thought that would be enough but it wasn’t cause I could then see him from the corner of my eye looking at me from time to time.
Even in the dark I could see that painful expression of his.
Minutes ticked like hours while watching that freaking movie, my heart was still trying to run from my chest.
Being in the dark with him wasn’t something that I actually hated –if I was being honest with myself- but it was something I shouldn't be liking this much.
Finally the movie was ending but I had this strange feeling...I felt like a magnet was pulling us toward each other and I couldn't help by glare at him from the corner of my eye. He was already a few tiny inches from me his hand brushing mine -that was at the side of the chair- making my heart race again.
I couldn't bear it anymore, it was too much for me to handle. I wanted to scream, to run away from him as fast as I could before I could forget he was now my enemy and I couldn't do that, I wouldn't. For my mother, for Jeremy and for me.
As I stood up -even though in the middle of the dark class- ready to run, Mr. Kent had the brilliant idea of switching on the lights making me become the centre of attention as I stood in the middle of the now bright classroom.
"Is there something wrong Miss Thomas" I heard Mr. Kent ask me.
By now I wanted to drawn in the sea and it was worse when I glare at the side and caught him smiling, was he laughing at me? Probably yes. "Hmm uhm no" I replied and sat back down getting deeper into my seat. He was now in his original position far away from me, which made me wonder if he moved or if it was my imagination that made think we were close before.
Mr. Kent pointed out a few details from Mr. Martyr's diary before allowing us to leave and I would check that diary throughout once I get home.
I found myself getting curious as to know what was in his mind, to see or try to guess how he would have reacted if he found out about his son's secret. I darted out the door as soon as Mr. Kent said we could, Christopher still somehow a few paces away behind me. I already saw Jenny run towards Brook's.
I had two more classes after that, classes that passed really quick as I was submerged again into my world of thoughts. Ben even had to whisper the answer of one of Mrs Lo goat questions to me. I didn't even notice him seating next to me probably that's why he asked me a hundred times if I was ok. And a hundred times I had to lie "yeah, I'm ok" he definitely didn't buy it and that's why I was again submerged into an interrogatory after class.
"I didn't get the chance to ask you what were you doing down there?" Ben asked very casual but I could notice and edge of curiosity in his voice. I tried to think fast for an answer, it couldn't be any answer. Elizz..mum just died and it would be ridiculously cold hearted to be in a pub being her awakening just a few days back...
"I couldn't find Jeremy anywhere and the other night he got drunk" I said that in a whisper "it's been hard on him you see, I thought he would be down know" I made the motion with my hand of a person drinking, he nodded instantly "oh! sorry about that" "it's ok...the pain will go away, it always does" it has to I thought to myself.
Ben left it at that. Thank god he realised I wasn't up for the talk when Christopher passed behind me and I caught a very disturbing look in Ben's eyes as he did. What was Ben frowning at?
"I don't like how he seems to hang around you" he said suddenly "who?" I wondered "That martyr" he said letting a chuckle escape through his lips. It looked as if he was enjoying some internal joke or something "Christopher I mean" he said when I didn't understand and I got the hint of the chuckle instantly.
"I've been observing him all day and not just him but his cousin too. They didn't seem to take their eyes off of you throughout the whole day, even now when he walked behind you" holly crap what a day for him to be observant, a lot of things were going on at the moment between us, I had to think quick.
"That's not new, I'be been like observed by loads of people since the first day, everybody has some gossip about me" I tried to hide the truth with another truth hoping he would accept it, but he didn't.
"No, there's something else, I can't tell what it is but there's something wrong with them, we always thought so" well he was right "and every time he walks by you, you shudder" oh well he couldn't let that pass could he? I wonder what else didn't escape his eyes.
" Do I?" I said trying to be unaware of it "yes, you do" "hold on did you say we?" Almost let that pass, what did he mean by we?
"They are weird, the whole family is weird, even their ancestors were weird" "what do you mean" "research the history of Zoneville, anyway you shouldn't hang with them often"
why was he so aware of the cousins?
"They always seem to be at the same place of the attacks" hold on what? "They are always there and I'm not sure if I dreamt it or not but I'd say I saw Christopher when I got attacked in St. Martyr's day and now in the Zet Leonard appeared, I don't know is just weird" he saw him??? "If you saw him why didn't you say something?" I said very casual and almost uninterested or at least I tried to sound like that "well I'm not sure" so he can't confirm it then "well you hit your head pretty bad you know, I didn't see anybody when I found you" what was the reason why I still protected them I didn't know but I felt it wouldn't be safe for anybody to know the truth "don't give it much thought" I said and taking advantage of his disconcerted thoughtful look I dodged and left "the girls are waiting for me, got to go" I said waving from afar.
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