Oh no, hell no, no no no NO!!! And like that I yanked my eyes open with a scream.
I had a nightmare...THAT nightmare again. In the big bright room with the beautiful period dress where that monster was about to kill me, but it looked different, it felt different this time… cause I knew what it was. Those red eyes were unmistakable and they frightened me. He was a vampire and he wanted my blood.

I walked to the window and looked out looking for any sign of him; I bit my lower lip nervously wondering if he's waiting for me somewhere to finish me off but... I didn't truly believe that did I? And I thought about it for a while...No he wouldn't hurt me, he won't.
He could've let me to the other Vampire last night and he didn't, I could remember that perfectly, how he yanked him away from me, he was protecting me? It kind of sounded like a question to myself and I smiled at that thought. It was great to see that he cared about me, he was so distant that I thought I didn't matter to him but I do...I must. For what I know about vampires, not the TV version of vampires but the story books, they are cruel and bloodthirsty. I could see those qualities and those vampires but not in Christopher. He’s always quiet too still *sigh*and now how do I confirm my suspicions. If I approach him the wrong way I can end up...bad of course supposing that he really is a...*sigh* I need a shower.
After finishing with my shower I switched on the computer, it's been a while since I spoke with my girls Miranda and Zoe I mean.
But what can I actually tell them? I can't talk about Jenny's witchy tricks or Brook's drawings and don't even think about mentioning the cousins… so what’s left to say? Hi girls how you doing? *sigh* I feel disconnected from them. This last 2 months have been crazy and we haven't been together, we haven’t been talking to make it easier.
There are lots of stuff happening at once in my life and the only ones that would understand are Jenny and Brook. I love my California girls but they are out of it, they would never understand, even Miranda that would help putting my thoughts in order seems to be the wrong person to chat about Vampires. No, there’s no way I’m going to tell them, they would probably think I’ve gone crazy, so let's forget about it.
After dressing up I went to the computer to check on them but again they weren't online. This seems to happen a lot lately but they wouldn't have been able to help me anyway, what are they up to these days? We don't seem to look for each other that much anymore...I'm feeling anxious again, what should I do now?...I'm not the kind of girl that holds the questions in. If I'm curious about something I ask and that's what I'm gonna do. I went downstairs where I found Jeremy already done with his breakfast. Even though today was Saturday Elizabeth was not in the house.
“Where’s Elizabeth ?”
“She's with the council” of course she was with them. As I walked to the table I could see Jeremy's frustration on his face. It was the first time that I saw him like that, he’s always smiling and annoying and see him there so quite made me uncomfortable. I sat down and got a toast, I felt hesitant to ask but you know I did anyway.
“Are you ok?” He smiled but it didn’t touch his eyes
“No I'm not”
“Is there anything I can do?” He looked at me
“Don't go into the woods, neither stay out till late, that’s what you can do for me”
“Ok” he got something from his pocket and put it on the table
“Take this with you” he said giving me a pocket knife, I looked at him with a frown
“It will give me a piece of mind Gabrielle”
“You do realize that I'm more dangerous to myself than to others with that thing right?”
“I’ll take the risk” wow he is scaring me now
“You really thought it was over didn't you?”
“Yes, stupidly I did, but I saw that it won't happen, it won't stop. You shouldn't be here Gabrielle this place is just not right, you are too young and I refuse to bury you so please...”
“I'll be careful I swear” yes I'll be careful but later, now I need to check on some fellas. He then stood up and stopped to give me one more meaningful glance.
“Your mum and I will be out most of the day, I would like you to stay home but I know you won't so please whatever you have to do, do it now, have your phone with you at all time” he looked at the blade “and don't forget to get that” he said pointing to the knife. I just nodded and he left.
I stood there on my own for a while, while listening to him pace away and get into his truck. As soon as I couldn't hear him anymore I ran outside and got into my car.
I was about to start the engine when I realized that I didn't know where Christopher lives, crap now what!!! I know they live outside town but where exactly...I could ask the girls. No, I can't. They would ask me why and I don't want to lie to them, I can't lie to Jenny like that when she's shared her secret with me and by the way I have to call her, how she must have felt when she realised that her spells didn't work. And Ben How's he? Does he remember something? O.M.G he might have seen Christopher!! I started the engine and drove to Ben's house. To my surprise Elizabeth and Jeremy where there with the sheriff and other members of the council and they also looked surprised to see me.
As I walked out of the car Jeremy walked towards me
“What are you doing here?”
“I just came to check on Ben how's he doing?”
“How did you know about him??”
“I'm the one who found him”
“What? Let's go” we all walked into the house. Ben was ok; he just had a bump on his head and he didn’t seem to remember anything.
“You were lucky, the others were badly hurt and one is already dead plus the one killed last night it makes it 2, now son can you tell us what happened?” said the sheriff.
“I don't know what happened, after wrapping up the tents I was helping out taking a few thinks into the school and then I just remember waking up with Gabrielle and Mr Garcia beside me outside the gym”
“I guess you were hit with something that would explain that bump of yours” said somebody from the council
“Ok now Gabrielle” when the sheriff said my name everybody turned to look at me, they were expecting me to tell them something relevant but I couldn't talk about Christopher so I said that I didn't know what happened to him.
“I found him on my way to the gym, I stood with him for a while trying to wake him up, I didn't want to leave him alone and I couldn't go ask for help either”
“You just found him on the floor you didn't see anybody? Anything” said Elizabeth
“No I didn't, I might have scare it off...the animal I mean cause that's what it is right? An animal
“Yea you might have” said Jeremy with a softy smile.
“Why didn't you tell us last night” said Elizabeth a bit annoyed
“I didn't think it was important to know who found him; I already said that I didn’t see anything”
“Ok, you have to go now Gabrielle” said Elizabeth
“Why what are you going to do?”
“We are going to keep going with the investigation, you young lady shouldn't be out alone” said the sheriff.
“Thanks for coming, I’ll see on school” said Ben from the other side of the room. Jeremy walked me to my car
“Where are you going now?” Dang!!! An idea
“I need to get to Christopher's house but I forgot to ask him where he lives” “Christopher?”
“Yes Christopher Martyr, we are doing a school project”
“Together?” He asked suspiciously
“Yeah why?”
“Are we talking about the same Christopher?”
“How many Christopher Martyr's are there in here? Why are you hesitating just give me the address” I felt annoyed even though he was right about being suspicious, at the end he gave me the address but not before telling me to be home early.
Once in the car I sent a message to Jenny asking her how was she doing about the failure of her spells and she quickly called me.
“Where are you Gabrielle?”
“I'm in the car”
“Where are you going?”
“I'm coming from Ben's why?”
“Nothing I just had a weird feeling that's all. I'm great thanks for the message; my grandma already comforted me. Hey we need to have another sleep over at my house”
“Yes I think that's a good idea” it definitely was a good idea and we kept chatting....
I was on their entrance by the time I finish talking to Jenny, it sure was a huge house. I wonder how much money they have? I got out of the car and walked to the door, it all was too quiet, I'm usually comfortable in quietness but this was spooky. I was about to knock when he opened the door, he looked at me without surprise, with narrowed eyes as if he knew I would be there.
“Can we talk?” He looked around and then at me very serious and then let me in. I must be crazy to get into a vampire's house. He led me to what I think it was the living room of a really big, huge house, it had old stuff in it, decoration, paintings etc...I had another déjà vu but I ignored it. The house was beautiful like in the old days; it was as if I was watching a picture from the history books.
“Would you like a cup of coffee?” He said very polite "I don’t drink coffee and neither do you, I mean I've never seen you drinking anything have I?” I never really thought about it till now and it was true, he was never in the cafeteria and the first time I saw him there –the day Leonard came- he had a tray with food but he didn’t touch it. He was about to talk when I interrupted him
“And no I'm not hungry either...are you?” Hush Gabrielle what are you doing!! My body was screaming at me to get out, it felt like it wanted to run away sending chills thru me but my brain didn't let me move, it said it was ok. He wasn't going to hurt me, if that was his intention he would've done it before.
“I was going to ask you to have a sit but I guess you prefer to stand” he said with a crocked smile
“Yes I do”
“Well...in that case tell me what brings you here? Nobody ever comes here unless is important which I guess it is.
“Do you all live here? Of course they do what kind of question is that?? He was still looking at me with narrowed eyes like searching for something
“Yes... that's what families actually do, live together”
“Right” Do vampires actually have family? I just nodded instinctively, actually what makes me think they are vampires, I mean yeah is weird what I saw but this guy walks in the sun, he should be dead by now, ashes never the less. I might be hallucinating, is this place... is just driving me crazy.
“I came here cause I'm trying to figure out what happened with Ben yesterday, my memory is kind of blurred” I choose my worlds carefully and smiled at him I wanted to see his reaction but he had his usual poker face. So I pushed it a little further. “I remember seeing you there and I thought you might help cause Ben doesn't remember a thing and I'm not much of a help...seeing that body in the woods I think plaid with my sanity a little” and I smiled again, he was walking towards me, getting closer to me. Our eyes locked for a moment.
“What do you think you saw?”
“What makes you think I saw something?”
“Didn’t you?”
"I don’t know”
“Are you sure?” He looked at me with fierce darkness in his eyes I swallowed, I was scared, at that precisely moment I knew he was something, if I was wrong and he wasn’t a vampire then he was something else.
“What did you see?” he got closer till his face was just a few inches from mine
“You won't hurt me”
“What do you know!?”
“Nothing” I started shaking
“What do you know!!!?”
“You are a vampire” He stared at me for a few seconds and then withdrew from me, wow I said it.
“So you saw something” he’s not denying it, oh my god…
“I saw you protecting Ben that's what I saw and protecting me from that other one” He looked confused.
“Is that what you really think? That I was protecting you?"
“Yes” why does he look confused?
“You don’t know what you are talking about”
“I'm just talking about what I saw”
“Why didn't you tell the council about me being there?”
“I told you, you weren't doing anything wrong so what's the point in telling them they might think I'm crazy anyway”
“You'd be surprised of the amount of knowledge this town has of our kind”
“So you are confessing it? you are a vampire”
“Are you scared? He came closer, again his face a few inches from mine, I could feel his breath on my skin
“Is that what you are thinking now? He said with frustration.
“Well…you should”
“You are not a bad person Christopher” he stretched his arm and touched a strip of my hair and smiled
“I can't reach yours either” he pulled his hand away and then he turned a little to the side like listening to something. Suddenly his mood changed drastically, he became aggressive.
“You need to leave now” he said grabbing me by my wrist and leading me to the door, almost throwing me out of the house closing the door after me. But I won't go easy on him, he needs to tell me more, I need to know more.
Once in my car I tried to analyse everything, I tried to be more like Miranda; processing, analysing and ordering my thoughts.
There were so many things that I wanted to know, first of all; are there more vampires in town? Does his family know about him? Why does he hate me and why does Leonard? And in the middle of my thinking I remembered the other vampire last night. I never saw him in town before did I? On my way to school that day I did see a few weird guys with red lenses…were they real? No, I’m probably just leaving my imagination work too much, but…Ben was attacked and Mary Alice had two wounds in her neck, oh my good… is it possible that the killings and disappearances are the work of the vampires and not of animals like everybody thinks?? I need to see if the other victims of the attacks have wounds or something to help me work this out. But how do I find them, I don’t know who the others are and the sheriff said that one of them died today…this is so frustrating.
I drove home and I could see the lights on which meant they were home so I got in, and as soon as I closed the door
“Where have you been!!!” said Elizabeth really angry
“Here and there, why”
“Why? Have you been here lately do you know what time it is?” I didn’t realise that it was night already “we’ve been worried about you, why didn’t you pick up your phone”
“I dint get any calls” I said while looking for my phone and when I got it…”my battery died, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you I'm ok” and without a single word she walked out of sight. Jeremy came along more serious than usual
“Dinner will be ready in a minute”
“J I didn’t mean to seriously, time passed quickly…”
“Its fine you’re ok, now go clean up and come down” I nodded and went upstairs, but I’m ok they could ease their mood a little bit. I had a shower, changed my clothes and got back down but before I could reach the last row of stairs I heard them talking and they seemed worried.
“That’s three already Jeremy, in two days *sigh* three deaths and two attacks”
“But I don’t understand Elizabeth , we didn’t see any animals while hunting how is this possible” cause they are not animals that’s why, so there has been another attack
“What does the council say? We could build dead ends” thank god somebody is thinking!!
“It won’t help”
“What do you mean it won’t help? How can it get pass that” Elizabeth didn’t answer and I went towards them.
“Somebody else is dead?” nobody answered “I heard you talking about it and you shouldn’t hide it from me anyway…who was it this time?
“Somebody close to us” said Jeremy a bit hesitant, my heart almost dropped as I thought of…”Ben??”
“No, this is a new attack”
“Shut up” said Elizabeth “she doesn’t need to know”
“Of course I do, I'm part of this town now whether I like it or not, I should know what’s going on even if it is scary”
“You’ll have nightmares” said Jeremy with a hint of humour
“I already have them so don’t worry about that”
“It's Sam... happy now?” said Elizabeth and the she went into the kitchen
“Huh? Sam from the council that Sam?” he nodded and went into the kitchen too.
Hello Nansi N, just wanted to tell you that I like your story, I'm a fan of Vampires myself so I enjoy it...looking forward to the next one
ReplyDeleteThanks Melanie, like I always say i have a lot of imagination and I'm inspired by other Vampire stories so I'll try to do it as good as I can to keep you hooked ^_^ thanks for following XX