Five deaths, three attacks and one missing boy, in three days; they were people I knew and is disturbing to think that any of us could be next.
Morning came slowly today, I passed most of the night pacing from one side of the house to another making sure that doors and windows were locked.
I even found Jeremy in the kitchen, when he saw what I was doing he told me not to worry because they wouldn't be able to get in.
Anyway my night wasn't pleasant, by the time I woke up Elizabeth and Jeremy were gone; I understand that she has to leave cause that's what she always does but what about Jeremy… I've never been left alone that much by him but now I can barely see him.
I was getting ready to go to school but I had to run downstairs cause somebody knocked at the door. When I opened it I found a really attractive young man that was looking for Elizabeth , I never saw him before and I was totally sure that he wasn’t a member of the council. He was tall with dark shoulder length black hair and he was wearing sun glasses.
Strange was when I opened the door and he saw me, he stepped back and I could see his eyebrows lift as in surprise.
"Elizabeth is not here at the moment would you like to leave a message?"
"No, that's fine...I'll see her soon" and he gave me a crooked smile "do you think you can give me a glass of water please?"
"Sure...come in" while walking to the kitchen I could see him hesitating a bit at the door but he finally got in and followed me to the kitchen.
He at all time kept his distance, I could feel his eyes on me and it made me uncomfortable. When I gave him the glass, he took it off my hands carefully, it looked as if he was trying not to touch me and when he finished drinking he left the glass on the table, said good bye and left.
Is not just the town is the people in town; they are all weird I’m telling you...
After getting ready I took off to school, I was eager to go cause there were a lot of things I needed to ask Christopher and there was nothing he could do to keep me away, not this time.
Town looked like ready to go to war, while driving I saw a few mans with weapons around the area. They are taking lots of precautions and they should…I had never been so close to the dead in my live but here death was all over the place.
I parked my car and got in the building, people were talking about St. Martyr's day and the attacks. I didn't want to join in their conversation. I didn’t even want to think about it instead I waited in the entrance for Christopher and Leonard to come in, biting my lip because I didn't know how to approach him.
I told Brook and Jenny that I needed to talk to Christopher about something and that they could go ahead, I would find them later.

A few seconds after they left Christopher and Leonard came in...They looked more like brothers than cousins, it's weird that the only difference in appearance I could see was the colour of their eyes and hair, the rest was kind of the same in a really weird way.
They looked completely alike but they actually weren’t if you know what I mean.
I walked towards them
"Christopher Can I talk to you for a minute?" He looked at Leonard that was looking at me, still with those painful eyes -but that I would worry about later- and then he left and Christopher stayed looking at me with narrowed eyes
"You still want to talk to me?"
"Why wouldn't I?" He stared at me for a minute
"You are weird you know that?"
" dad used to say that too but I'm not the only one am I?" And he smiled. It was the first time I saw him smiling and it was great.
"What do you want to know cause you want to ask me something right? You are so predictable…what is it? Why is he calling me predictable? Of course I would want to ask him something.
"So you have family..." I said hesitating
"I thought we left that clear last time, yes I live with them"
"Right... I don’t know how this works out but does he know that you are a vampire?" I said whispering...and he smiled.
“Ooh! He is one too…so is all your family?” He nodded, his entire family are vampires. Of course they are I don’t think vampires and humans can share a house without trouble.
“Is that it?”
“For now yes”
“What do you mean for now?”
“You have some serious explaining to do Mr” and I walked away. I felt good, in control now that I could ask him about whatever I wanted and he seemed to go easy on me. I wanted to take a look at him to see if he was still looking at me...and he was, ouch!! That would've been better if I wouldn't have looked back.
Ben wasn't in school today, I heard a few girls saying that his dad didn't want him to get out of the house for his protection; they said that the council seemed more worried than usual…I sent him a text message and he said he was ok still a bit surprised that nothing happened to him. If he only knew that Christopher saved his live...
I found Leonard in my 2nd class, biology and thru the whole class he maintained the same position, as if he was a statue or something. All the time looking at the blackboard not moving an inch, if I didn't know better I would've thought it was weird but being weird is his thing.
Biology was dragging on me, if not because of Leonard I would’ve fell asleep but I was trying to get to him instead, thinking on ways to approach him to talk to him.
I didn’t like the way he always left when I was near and I worked my brains out trying to think of his reasons for his behaviour.
After class I was about to go to gym, Brook and Jenny were waiting for me but I saw Leonard at his locker and I thought that it could be a great opportunity to talk to him so I walked towards him.
"Hi!" He looked at me and I smiled at him but he then looked back down "I think we should talk" I kept talking and he kept doing what he was doing "if you are worried about your secret don't, I would never tell anyone about you guys" as soon as I said guys he walked away, rudeness is in their blood period!! I followed him, called him but he never stopped.
I had to run to catch up with him and stop in front of him putting my hands on his chest to stop him from walking. He had a good...chest let's leave it like that wow!
I took my hands off him in no second cause he then looked down at me with a really annoyed face, ok…he didn’t like my touch I could see that.
"Don't you know that walk out on people while they are still talking is rude?" I kept talking and he looked into my eyes and for a moment I think I saw him softening a little.
”I just thought that...we could be friends"
"Not interested" he said and walked around me so that his back was on me and kept walking aaaaah so annoying!!! I went after him again and grabbed his shirt but he suddenly turned his nostrils flattering, he looked annoyed but I was too.
Right now I didn't care if he was a vampire or if he was stronger than me, I just yelled at him.
"What have I done to you? What's your reason for hating me?"
"I don't hate you is nothing personal" Liar nothing personal my foot "you're just human, a blood bag with legs to me, you better not cross my path next time otherwise you'll regret It" and he walked away.
Yep… there's no doubt they are from the same family but if he thinks he's going to scare me off like that, he's wrong.
After gym we went to the cafeteria, the girls and I got our lunch and sat on our table. Brook asked for Ben and I told her what I heard
"Is more than understandable, we've had in 3 days the amount of deaths that we get in a year" said Jenny
"According to the statistics yes" Brook confirmed
"Well I don’t understand how can there be so many deaths in this town and the world seems to not know"
"They know, they've been sending what they though it was smart people in suits to investigate but they always leave empty handed" said Jenny
"There were speculations about the attackers not being animals" Brook said whispering
"How so?"
"Think about, which animal is that smart to wait till St. Martyr’s day to attack every year" that’s true…so they already have another theory…
"People used to think that Zoneville was bewitched" said Jenny
"And what are your theories?"
"Well…I don't know if it’s an animal or not but Mary Alice is the first victim I see and for me there wasn’t anything that gave away the cause of her death"
Is clear that they didn’t notice what I saw.
"There is something else in here" Jenny said, Brook and I turned to look at her and she was eating normally as if she hadn't said anything "is an animal of just not the kind we are use to see" Brook and I looked at each other and then at Jenny again.
"What are you talking about?" I asked her
"Blood…blood is everywhere" she said again as if she was talking about a normal thing... then Christopher appeared in our table and sat in between Brook and me facing Jenny. They looked at each other for a while, while Brook and I were throwing glances at them and at each other wondering what was happening.
Then without a word he stood up and left. I followed him with my eyes till he was out of the cafeteria.
When I turn back, my eyes met Leonard's that was sat a few tables behind us and he walked out too.
"What was that about?" I asked Jenny
"What was what?"
"What were we talking about" said Brook
"We were talking about the attacks" I said
"Were we?" Brook said really confused
"Yes! Why was Christopher looking at you like that?" I asked Jenny again
"Christopher where?" said Jenny looking around.
The bell rang and they quickly stood up ready to get out, I couldn't believe what just happened.
While walking to class I observed them, they were acting as usual but they didn't seem to remember our conversation, they did remember things from earlier like Tory's accident with the frog in chemistry or the new words we learnt in Latin but nothing about our lunch time. That mystery followed me all the way thru the end of school. After saying my goodbyes to them I followed Christopher outside.
"Hey! What did you do to them?"
"Should I know what you are talking about?"
"Don't play with me" our eyes locked for a moment, he really looked as if he didn’t know what I was talking about, but then his expression changed.
"I just wanted to check on something...Jenny's a witch isn't she?"
"How...did you know that?"
"You shouldn't be talking about what you were talking. Not in here at least. What happened in there with Jenny you don't know what it was but you don't want people thinking she's crazy right?"
"How do you know what we were talking about?"
"I heard it"
"From your table?"
"We hear from far"
“You do?” he nodded and we kept walking, I realised that he was walking me to my car, I couldn't help by smiling. Now that I have him this close and so willing to just talk I feel chills, he’s so…keep talking!! Keep talking!! “What else do you do?”
“We read minds, we are pretty fast”
"You read minds?!!!" I said really alarmed not by the fact that he did read minds but because since I know him I’ve been having thoughts that I would like to keep for myself, if you know what I mean.
"Why are you acting like this? What have you been thinking?" he said with a cheeky smile
O.M.G how embarrassing
"Don’t worry, I can't rich yours"
"You can't?"
"It seems to bother you"
“And you seem happy that I can’t”
"I am actually, my thoughts are mine you shouldn’t been listening” he kept looking ahead “have you had this problem before?"
"Like you, there was somebody else, a long time ago” he said with a thoughtful face
“Who was he or she?”
“It doesn’t matter now, it was ages ago”
"Ages…how long have you been a vampire?" he kept looking up front
"Since 1702, Stephen Martyr is actually my father not my ancestor"
“I was born in 1685 and became a vampire in 1702”
“But that makes you"
"325 years old"
"Woow and you still look 17 that’s cool"
"There’s nothing cool about it" he said in a sharp way… same old Christopher again "I'm sorry didn't mean to be rude" Is he actually apologising?
"That's fine, I'm used to it" he looked confused for a moment while looking at me "did I say something wrong?" it made me think I did.
"I'm just trying to understand why you are so ok with all this" that’s something I would like to know myself
"I'm weird, you said so yourself"
"Christopher!!!" Leonard called him from under one of the trees situated at the other side of the parking lot opposite my car.
Christopher gave him a weird glance and then walked towards him but not before telling me to stay where I was.
I stood there for a while watching them talk but then they started arguing and without me realising it I started getting closer to them till the point that I could hear something.
"You shouldn't get close to her don't you see what is happening?" Said Leonard really angry
"Even if it happens it has nothing to do with you or are you trying to make history repeat itself?" said Christopher angry as well.
"Guys, what's going on?" I was already close to them and Leonard looked at me and left as he always does. “Can you tell me what does he have against me?"
"It’s nothing, forget about it" Christopher said and then left. I will put this two in chains and we’ll see who walks out on me again.
On my way home I started thinking about Christopher’s age, I couldn’t believe he was that old…325 years old and he still looked 17.
I don’t care if he doesn’t like it but being 17 for 325 years is really cool.
By the time I got home Elizabeth and Jeremy were there already, everything was quite, more quite than usual that made me think something else happen.
"Has anybody else been hurt" I asked Jeremy that was sat on the sofa
"Ok" I was about to walk upstairs when I remembered about the guy that came home this morning, I didn’t want to give her the message but it might have been important so I walked to the little room that she used as an office and told her about
"Elizabeth somebody came this morning looking for you"
"I forgot to ask his name but I never saw him before"
"How was he?"
“He was tall with dark hair”
“Did he leave a message?”
“He said it wasn’t necessary, that he’ll see you soon”
“If is important he’ll come again” she said so I sat with Jeremy on the couch. After a while he asked me about the guy that came, he said that he might know him and I described him to him. At the end he didn’t know who he was.
“Ah! It caught my attention that he was wearing sun glasses when there was no sun and when he saw me he stepped back like surprised or something” as soon as I said that Elizabeth was in the living room with a disturbed expression
"Did you invite him in?"
"He wanted a glass of water, why?"
"Damn it!" she said, got her bag and left. I turned to Jeremy that by now was standing "don't worry you haven't done anything wrong, she just doesn't like strangers being invited in the house"
"I thought he was a friend"
"I know don't worry, I don't understand myself why she acts like this but don't worry about it"
"How was your day?" I was curious about what he was doing lately
"It was cool”
“Where did you go this morning? Lately I can barely see you”
"I know sorry, we are going out in groups, just to check around" I glanced at him with worry and I asked him to be careful.
"I didn't know you cared about me that much"
"Believe me neither did I but you are the only one I can talk to in this house"
"That’s because you want to"
"Well let's not start”
“And is that the only reason why you want me here?” he said a bit hurt but I smiled at him and he gave me one back.
It wasn’t the only reason why I wanted him there, I actually started to treat him as family to consider him as my uncle and I was so used to having him around that it felt weird not to find him home on breakfast time.
The following days were ok.
My relationship with Christopher was a lot better even though I always had the feeling he never said the whole truth when he answered my questions.
I found out that Leonard is his only real family, everybody else in that house are just playing the part.
They are vampires that wanted protection that wanted to feel the warmth of a family that wanted to live as normal humans and not as animals so they live together protecting each other, but I guess him and Leonard are the only youngsters in there because they are the only ones attending school. But what about those two blonde girls that I saw in St. Martyr’s day, it turns out they are not a real family but they all kind of look alike, my head is just a mess right now but I think knowing their secret has made Christopher and I get closer.
Leonard in the other hand was more rude and aggressive towards me.
I tried a thousand times to talk to him but there was no point, and they've had lots of arguments as well, it seems to always be over a girl but I don't know what does has to do with me cause that girl isn’t me which makes me think about the possibility of them being in a relationship with a woman I haven’t yet seen. A woman that makes them fight a lot.
I haven't said anything to the girls about them yet...even though I wanted to tell them it was not my secret to share.
Jenny’s been a bit incoherent sometimes saying weird things about the woods and "they are coming" she says that a lot...I asked her to read my hand again and she told me the same things as the first time, that I'll find love and mystery, that the past written in my hand belongs to someone else and that my future was full of blood, lot of blood.
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