Jeremy’s pain
We are now in California, is so hot in here so nice and so big. You can't compare it to Zoneville, people here don't look scared all the time they just enjoy life. As I said before, dad stayed cause he took over mum's place in the council. Our last day there, he had a chat with the 3 of us, but then he called Meredith aside and they spent a long time in the office with closed doors. I don't know what they talked about but when Meredith came out, she was as pale as a corpse.
After Christopher left and Jenny went downstairs, I started reading again. I wanted to know how much she knew about vampires so I could too be prepared...and I wanted to know about me. I'm sure she wrote about me, somewhere in here and I wanted to know how she felt when she found out about me. This is the only connection I have with her, the only way I can try to know her cause I never wanted before.
Today I saw her for the last time and the pain was and still is scruciating. I really miss her...I never thought I would care if something happened to her cause I thought she didn't care about me, but she did care and now she's gone because of me.
Tears were pouring off my eyes and I continued reading.
Tears were pouring off my eyes and I continued reading.
Today we start school, little Jeremy is been sad all along, he aches for mum and dad but today he started the day happy, he's finally going to school. Meredith started working a couple of days ago and as for me...we'll see. I'm staring high school and even though I was popular in Zoneville, here I'm sure it will be different...hope it won't.
My reading was interrupted again cause Jenny came running into my room with a disturbing expression.
"What's wrong Jenny?"
"They are here"
"Who's here?"
"The council" she said...oops!! Now I understand her expression "what do we do?" she continued she looked very nervous. They must be looking for Jeremy but I don't want them to find him.
"Let's go and receive them...where is Brook"
"She's with them at the door, we didn't let them in"
"Why did you do that?"
"Brook didn't want them in, when they asked for Jeremy she started acting weird plus that other one is there" that other one? We ran downstairs and there they were at the door and Brook was frowning at them, well...frowning at one in particular, Byron. I could not believe he had the guts to come to my house looking for Jeremy.
I walked to the door and they greeted me. They were all there; the 4 of them included Josh Julian and Ben's father, Mr Sheridan. So Josh was in it I understand his words in the church, but what did he mean by that? Do they know how to kill them? And Byron! He's a good actor, I wonder how they do it, being part of the council decade after decade when they still look the same and the others are getting old.
I walked to the door and they greeted me. They were all there; the 4 of them included Josh Julian and Ben's father, Mr Sheridan. So Josh was in it I understand his words in the church, but what did he mean by that? Do they know how to kill them? And Byron! He's a good actor, I wonder how they do it, being part of the council decade after decade when they still look the same and the others are getting old.
"Hello Gabrielle, I'm Mrs Walts we need to talk to Jeremy"
"He's not here at the moment" I feared that Byron would read Jenny's and Brook's minds and he would find out where Jeremy was. I swear if he tells them where to find him hell will go loose. Sad he couldn't read mine; I would give him an ultimatum. Either way, he kept his eyes on me at all time.
"Do you know where we could find him?" Said Mrs Walts, when I was about to answer Brook poked me on my back, I turned to look at her and she looked a bit scared.
"I don't know where he went, sorry"
"It's ok...could you please tell him we are looking for him?"
"Sure" they all but Byron turned to leave but I had something else to say so I called after them "Mrs Walts I know that Jeremy is supposed to be next in the council but is not a good time to talk about that, he just lost his sister, I... I just lost my mother, let us be"
"We understand that and believe me we wouldn't bother him if it wasn't important so please tell him to pay us a visit soon" I nodded and again they all but Byron turned to leave. Byron was still looking into my eyes as if trying to read me, but I knew better, he can't hear a thing from me. I felt like sticking my tongue out at him, that stare of his was getting on my nerves but soon after that he left. As for the council of course it was important for them to talk to Jeremy and I knew why but I wasn't going to tell Jeremy anything, at least not for now. I know that they are one short in the council but he's the only family I've got left, I'm not going to loose him, not him.
I closed the door and when I turned Brook was behind me still with that panicking look in her eyes.
"Thanks for not letting them in" I said
"I figured you wouldn't like that Byron to come here whenever he wanted to" she said
"Yeah about that...I forgot to tell you something else about vampires *sigh* they can read our minds" their eyes widened...a lot "well not my mind they don't know the reason why, but they can read yours, so were you thinking about where Jeremy went?" They stood in silence for a while just staring at me...yep this was a huge surprise for them.
"I was thinking about what happened in here that day" said Jenny, that day...the day my mother died.
"I didn't think about where he went" said Brook.
They asked me about what else could they do, but I didn't know much either. I knew they were stronger and faster, and that they could hear from far as well as see from far away and that they could read our minds.
They asked me about what else could they do, but I didn't know much either. I knew they were stronger and faster, and that they could hear from far as well as see from far away and that they could read our minds.
"That's violating someone's privacy" said Jenny and at that moment "they are not doing it on purpose is not like a radio, they can't turn it off" came out from my mouth without me realising what I just did. They both looked at me, I guess surprised that I defended them. But I wasn't defending them, that was the truth wasn't it? There are a few things they can't control but anyway, I shouldn't care about that.
Later at night Jenny called her grandmother, I told her she couldn't say anything to her but she told her anyway saying that her grandma could help us figuring out what to do. And we did get surprised of her reaction, she didn't act like somebody scared or anything, she didn't scream at us or panic, instead she told us to go to her house the following day...this was not the outcome I was expecting but she's a witch too and if she won't tell anyone, she might be of help. Jenny said that she remembered her parents always telling her grandmother off cause she would talk to her about magic and scary stories about monsters and that's why she called her. She recons the stories might have been real.
We heard a few noises coming from outside so we looked through the window. We saw a few mans standing outside, I couldn't see their faces and I started to freak out a little. So much darkness out there and those mans... It made me think of vampires. Oh gosh where was so late.
One of the mans turned towards the house and we all closed the curtains and dropped down on our knees, after a few seconds the door opened...and Jeremy came in.
"What are you girls doing on the floor?"
There were paintings on the walls of Stephen and Selena, Christopher's parents and Tiziano and Caroline, Leonard parents.
The two twins where sat on the sofa in a way that looked as if they were posing for a cover of a magazine.
The two twins where sat on the sofa in a way that looked as if they were posing for a cover of a magazine.
By the door was Leonard, at the window was Christopher and at the very end of the room was Renzo playing with a blade. Renzo was the same man we saw in Elizabeth's awakening that we never saw before and now we could see his face properly, he was a young oriental Vampire in his 20's and he had a very painful expression.
The 6 vampires were in silence in the room and it looked as if fire would come from the twins eyes. After a while Byron started talking with a serene tone but his eyes were fierce.
"I went with the members of the council to Gabrielle's house...her friends didn't let's us in which made me laugh"
"They know?!" Said the twins at unison
"It looks like they do...I understand one of her friends is a witch and the other one draws, but just because they too have something to hide to the world it doesn't mean they won't talk about us...for them we are the enemy"
"They won't" said Christopher still looking through the window
"How do you know!!" Said the twins again in unison "I told you" said one "you shouldn't have gotten" said the other "close to her" the first one finished her sentence, "she's Gabriella's heir" said the second one "and she looks exactly like her" continued the first one "do you know what that means!!!" Said both of them in unison, "she's destined to be a member of the council" said the first one "she knows our secret" said the second one, "and now she hates you" said the first, "she will come after us" said the second.
Leonard rolled his eyes exhausted, even though the twins weren't talking to him but to Christopher, he answered them.
"Oh for god shake can just one of you be talking? You are giving me a migraine" they both looked at him with a really annoyed face and one of them answered.
"You can't have migraines"
"I feel like having one so shut up!"
The twins hissed at Leonard, they really were annoyed but they were always in that mood anyway.
Tara and Camilla, their parents were explorers; they travelled around the world looking for the weirdness, for mysteries in 1899.
One of their sources led them to Zoneville where they were attacked by a group of vampires. Their parents died instantly drained out of blood, the twins survived the attack but they were transformed into vampires. They were left in the woods when the attackers thought they were dead, and Byron found them. If it wasn't because of Byron, they would've become like the ones out there, the ones with red eyes so they appreciate and respect Byron and his rules, he is like a father to them.
One of their sources led them to Zoneville where they were attacked by a group of vampires. Their parents died instantly drained out of blood, the twins survived the attack but they were transformed into vampires. They were left in the woods when the attackers thought they were dead, and Byron found them. If it wasn't because of Byron, they would've become like the ones out there, the ones with red eyes so they appreciate and respect Byron and his rules, he is like a father to them.
Byron stood up from the chair and started pacing from one side to another of the room. He was thoughtful really thoughtful, trying to figure out what to do to make sure the girls wouldn't talk. With Gabrielle's friends it wasn't going to be so difficult because they could read their minds and find out about their moves but Gabrielle...she was going to be a pain.
"She won't say anything" Christopher said again looking though the window "I know what you are thinking Byron...she won't talk. Even if it now looks like she hates us she doesn't really, she's just hurt. She won't betray us"
"Betrayal is a word used in between friends...are we her friends? How can you feel so secure towards Gabrielle when you weren't towards Gabriella" Said Byron and he kept pacing from one side to another of the room.
That Frustrated Christopher more than anyone could imagine...Gabriella was the love of his life and since Gabrielle found out about his secret, he's been wondering if Gabriella would have reacted the same way. Why he never trusted her enough to tell her the truth? But that didn't matter much now did it cause at the end she left him for Leonard, she's dead and he loves Gabrielle now.
Byron was really frustrated with the situation, there was something he was seeing coming and he didn’t like it at all. The twins were still looking at Christopher with rage; they thought this was his entire fault. If he didn't have gotten involved with Gabrielle in first place, they wouldn't be in this situation right now. Gabrielle was like a timer bomb, you couldn't possibly know when she would explode.
Renzo wasn't paying attention to any of them, neither to the conversation, he was just playing with his blade, he always had a blade on him who knows why...a blade is not needed to kill another vampire and his hands were enough to protect himself from another human.
Renzo wasn't paying attention to any of them, neither to the conversation, he was just playing with his blade, he always had a blade on him who knows why...a blade is not needed to kill another vampire and his hands were enough to protect himself from another human.
After a lot of silence and dark glances from the twins, they called it the day and each one of them went their way.
The twins always together disappeared in a flash and reappeared out doors, Christopher that was still by the window saw them walking towards the woods. Renzo was l still in the office.
He walked towards Christopher throwing that blade up and down and stood beside him, thought the window he saw the glances the twins gave Christopher when leaving. He then gave the twins a twitched smile and then looked at Christopher.
He walked towards Christopher throwing that blade up and down and stood beside him, thought the window he saw the glances the twins gave Christopher when leaving. He then gave the twins a twitched smile and then looked at Christopher.
"They are coming for her" Renzo never said much, but when he did, the best thing to do was to listen carefully not because of his oriental accent that was really sexy by the way but because he always said important things, things that by all means people should take into account and what he just said made Christopher's eyes widen.
Brook, Jenny, Jeremy and I were having dinner. It was a really quiet dinner...Jeremy didn't touch his food; he just drank and drank beer. I wonder where all this beer came from... I didn't eat much myself; the food wouldn't go pass my throat.
Jenny had a thoughtful expression all the time, I wonder what was she thinking about and Brook that was beside Jeremy didn't stop looking at him, I could see that she was really worried about him.
Seeing Jeremy like this did really break my heart, he must've been dying inside right now. Everyone he knew, loved and respected was gone and he wasn't hiding his pain.
In the outside I kept a straight face, I didn't want him to feel worse but in the inside I was crying a river too.
Seeing Jeremy like this did really break my heart, he must've been dying inside right now. Everyone he knew, loved and respected was gone and he wasn't hiding his pain.
In the outside I kept a straight face, I didn't want him to feel worse but in the inside I was crying a river too.
"Jeremy you need to eat something or you'll get sick" said Brook but Jeremy just kept drinking, it was so frustrating...I just kept looking at him too. He was about to take the bottle again but Brook put her hand over his trying to stop him from drinking, they looked at each other for a few seconds and there I saw it!! in her eyes...Brook likes uncle Jeremy.
Jeremy removed his hand from underneath hers, stood up and left, I tried to go after him but Jenny told me to leave him alone. She was probably right...I guess he needed a bit of time on his own, he's been around people the whole day, talking to them keeping kind of calm but now it was his moment to let it all go.
After dinner the girls and I went to my room, I could see Brook freeze at the door, she was looking around my room with fear I would say...
"It's ok Brook I haven't invited any other vampire in" I said whispering so Jeremy wouldn't hear the word starting with V
"That's not entirely true" said Jenny very serious; we stood in silence for a while till I realized who she was talking about...Christopher
"He won't come again; I made it pretty clear that I didn't want him here. He won't come"
"I know" said Jenny with a strange smile on her lips and she continued "there's something about him that gives me warmth" what? Warmth? She needs to explain that to me cause I don't know from where both his body and heart are pure ice cold, he's made it clear to me a few times.
He's body, every time he touched me...and he's heart, every time I plead for the truth that was never said.
He's body, every time he touched me...and he's heart, every time I plead for the truth that was never said.
"Yes warmth don't look at me like that, I know what I'm talking about"
We were still standing in the middle of the room and Brook at the entrance; I had to walk towards her and drag her in. Then we all sat on my bed and suddenly heard a strong noise coming from the corridors, I quickly stood up and ran to my door, Jenny and Brook behind me.
When I looked out I saw Jeremy attempting to stand up, trying to get his balance back, glasses from a broken battle of beer where all around him. I ran towards him, Brook and Jenny behind me.
"Watch it girls, there're glasses everywhere!!" I said to them, I could even see blood on the floor...from Jeremy’s hand.
"I'll get something to clean this up" said Jenny and she disappeared somewhere downstairs, in the meantime Brook and I helped Jeremy up and carried him to his bedroom. He was drank like I never thought a person could be, I couldn't see smiley Jeremy anywhere around this Jeremy.
I was carrying and it made me feel more guilty...all this was my fault, I could not believe I made him get into this and I hated myself for that, I could feel tears pouring off my eyes, I started crying without me wanting to. Brook looked at me and shook her head in disapproval.
I was carrying and it made me feel more guilty...all this was my fault, I could not believe I made him get into this and I hated myself for that, I could feel tears pouring off my eyes, I started crying without me wanting to. Brook looked at me and shook her head in disapproval.
"Stop it, he needs you now" And then she smiled at me, I nodded and stopped crying.
I still thought it was my fault and nobody would ever make me change my mind, but she was right. Jeremy needed me, so I stopped it.
I still thought it was my fault and nobody would ever make me change my mind, but she was right. Jeremy needed me, so I stopped it.
We put him on his bed and took his shoes off, I asked Brook to start running the water for the bath tub so she got out of the room.
Even asleep like he was now, he still looked in pain. I wanted to hold his hand and then I saw the wound with blood on it, I almost forgot about it. I went to the bathroom to get the emergency was a big cut what he had.
Once in the room I treated his cut and I started stripping him down. A few seconds later he was in his underwear.
"Woow what's going on?" Said Jenny from the door and then Brook came from the toilet "bath's ready" she said making Jenny's eye brow lift. I moved away from Jeremy thinking in ways of getting him in the bath tub...and I could see Brook's and Jenny's eyes drift towards him that was half naked, asleep on his bed...this is so wrong...
I sat on the bed beside him and started shaking him, trying to wake him up but he didn't move an inch. After a while my ideas were ending so I decided to slap him and I did it hard. For sure he opened his eyes but then he closed them again.
"Jeremy don't think I'm going to take your boxes off for you so you better stand up and do it yourself, bath's ready!!!" I said frustrated at last but he just moaned and moaned so I asked the girls to help me take him to the bathroom.
Once there I flashed his head with pure called water and he screamed.... that was funny.
He finally realised that he was half naked in the bathroom with 3 teenage girls, one of them being his niece so he threw us out without a second thought. I really felt like smacking his head for making me so anxious but he will have enough headache tomorrow and that's enough for me.
The girls and I went downstairs to make him something hot to drink and Jenny volunteered for that...she made a herbal tea and scramble eggs, easy and quick, we had to be careful with what he ate we wouldn't like him to start puking now.
"Do you think something happened on his patrol?" Said Brook suddenly
"why do you think something happened?" Said Jenny and I was starting to wonder about that too, when he came from the patrol he was a little bit irritated...maybe angry? He didn't find what he was looking for, that's for sure cause he doesn't know what he's looking for and I'll make sure he never knows but still he was annoyed by something, I wonder what it was.
"why do you think something happened?" Said Jenny and I was starting to wonder about that too, when he came from the patrol he was a little bit irritated...maybe angry? He didn't find what he was looking for, that's for sure cause he doesn't know what he's looking for and I'll make sure he never knows but still he was annoyed by something, I wonder what it was.
After a few minutes he came downstairs clean and fresh and I could see a bit of old Jeremy again. He walked up to us and apologised for his behaviour. I quickly ran towards him and gave him a hug; I don't think I've ever done that before, you know, I don't like showing my emotions.
He hesitated for a few seconds before putting his arms around me and when he did, it felt good...the warmth of a family...of two.
He then let go of me but I didn't let go for a few more seconds. When I felt ok, I let go and went back to my seat. The three of them were staring at me by the time a sat.
"Are you feeling ok?" Said Jeremy
"Yeah why?
"You've never hugged me before"
"I know"
"Are you sure you are ok?"
"If you didn't like it I won't do it again"
"No!!" he said with a fading smile and then sat down. He was finally coming back, old Jeremy you can't imagine how much I liked that smile now, but just now..
He ate his eggs and drank his tea in silence, we didn't say anything either, we didn't want to disturb his quietness after all a picture is worth a thousand words and it was clear on his face that he didn't want to talk.
Brook and Jenny went upstairs after a few more minutes and I stayed in silence with Jeremy for a little longer. When he finished eating I told him to go upstairs that I would wash the dishes.
While in the kitchen alone I couldn't stop looking around me or through the windows. I knew I didn't invite anybody strange in here again but I started feeling observed. I didn't like that feeling at all so as soon as I finished washing I ran upstairs.
The house was really quiet and Jeremy made me jump when I passed in front of his room and he called me in.
He was sat on his bed and asked me to seat too, he was serious again, I wondered what he would say it was making me nervous now. I sat on the bed and instantly he took my hand into his.

“I know Jeremy...we did talk and she explained to me why. It was a relieve at last to know and I felt good... but it didn't last"
I couldn't talk anymore cause my eyes were swimming in tears and my voice was cracking "I just feel like I wasted my time being angry at her and now she's gone" and it was my fault that she's gone was the sentence I couldn't say out loud close to him. We ended up crying together and hugging again.
I couldn't talk anymore cause my eyes were swimming in tears and my voice was cracking "I just feel like I wasted my time being angry at her and now she's gone" and it was my fault that she's gone was the sentence I couldn't say out loud close to him. We ended up crying together and hugging again.
"I won't let anything happen to you Gabrielle, you know that I'm next in the council don't you?" Oh my gosh...I froze for a moment there, please don't tell me you met them on your way home, oh crap!!! He already knows the truth that's why he was acting like this!!! Oh no...He knows.
"I've decided not to be part of it" huh? what did he just said? he doesn't want to be in the council? hurray!!! hurray!! was running though my mind
“Our family's been dying over centuries because of were right those stupid traditions are getting us all killed. I never understood the council anyway and I refuse to be part of it" hurray!! My heart was jumping with joy, this was better than what I expected, he's decided not to be part of it on he's own free will...I didn't have to do anything. I'm happy now.
"I'll have to talk to them" he said suddenly.
huh ho...That’s not good.
huh ho...That’s not good.
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