Back to point 1
"We can't let him do that!!!" Said Brook really alarmed, I get more certain that she likes him by the second.

Brook, Jenny and I were talking about it while having breakfast, Jeremy was still in bed and he better remain there for today...I have to thank him from drinking that much last night, at least that hangover won't allow him to go anywhere today.
"We still have to go see my gram's...the three of us" said Jenny. Oops I almost forgot about that.
"What are we going to do?" Said Brook
"I don't think he's getting out of bed today and if he does visiting the council won’t be the first thing he'll do"
"If we go now we'll be here earlier" said Jenny but Brook didn't agree "I don't think we should leave him alone..." she said Hhmm...Brook is giving me chills, does she like him that much? Let's leave her here then...I don't want her to carry that worried face around me all day or I'll get worried too.
"You stay" I said and she looked at me very shocked "we have to go, we can tell you everything later, stay and take care of him. Don't let him get out of the house"
"Are you sure?" She said, still didn't believe it
"Yep...stay, Jenny and I will go and don’t let anybody in"
Finally we all agreed in what we would do and Jenny and I got ready to go.
I showed Brook where the medicines where in case he needed something and we left.
Jenny and I got in my car and I drove towards her grams. In the car we started talking about what to do to prevent Jeremy from meeting the council. Things like a little trip out of town for a while I even thought about leaving Zoneville for good...there isn't anything left for us in here.
The red flags disappeared from the windows and doors of the houses, the awakening day ended already so there was no need for them to have them up.
We passed through those weird trees and it gave me the chills again, the crazy thing was that Jenny too felt something, maybe we were being followed.
I was glad I wasn't alone...I don't understand how I manage to always have a problem with my car in this area when I'm on my own. Spooky.
Once in town we saw people playing around and laughing as if nothing happened. That disturbed me a little too much. I couldn't understand that. Yesterday one of the most known women if not important of this town had her last goodbye to the people she so much protected and they already were having fun...I was glad Jeremy was asleep I don't think he would like watching these, cause I didn't.
"C'mon Gabrielle...people has to move on otherwise we'd be stucked in sadness all the time. This is been happening for decades...don't be sad"
I didn't like admitting it but she was right, this people have faced the lost of their brothers, sinsters, parents and friends for a long time now, is not fair for me to claim they don't care cause they do....
I understand... when daddy died I cried once and never cried again till I came here. And with mum well, you know my burden but I don't wanna cry. To cry makes me feel vulnerable and I need to be strong. I need to be strong if I want to protect Jeremy.
We finally parked the car in front of Jenny's grams house. We walked up to the door and we knocked.
"C'mon in is open" Jenny's grams said from inside the house, that shocked me a lot.
"How can she just invite people in like that we could be vampires"
"Oh relax she knows is us"
"How do you know that?" I was getting annoyed...people shouldn't invite estrangers in their homes as if everybody was un buen samaritano.
Jenny made me turn around and look at the right side of the house, there was a small window from where Jenny's grams was looking at us...I felt a bit silly after that but what can I do? I'm concerned.
We got in the house and as I walked in, I started to feel dizzy...deja vu again, there was something about this house...
"Have I ever been in this house Jenny?"
"No that I know, why?"
"Then Gabriella's been here"
"What! Your ancestor? The one that looks like you?"
"Yes Jenny Gabriella"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, she is" said Jenny's grams that was now behind us...spooky.
"Welcome Gabrielle, I'm Penelope. Now come in girls we have too much to talk about" we followed her into the living room...yeah now I was 100% sure that Gabriella's been here before it looks like it hasn't changed much and that smell...where is it coming from?

"Is the smell of what you are going to drink" huh??
She told us to sit down and then she took a huge old book that was underneath her couch and put it on the table.
"Wow grams what is that?"

"Woow" Jenny and I said at once
"Yes, that's what I said too, you'll be able to know what really was happening in here without any editing. Just our family members, our witches family members know about this book"
"Then why are you telling me this...?"
"Cause you play a really important part in it Gabrielle. The first time I saw you when you came here looking for Jenny I felt like I knew you from somewhere" Penelope started looking through the book, page for page till she stopped in a page that had a painting on it, and then she continued talking "here you are" she showed us the painting and I couldn't believe it, there she was...Gabriella.
"Our ancestors knew each other" said Jenny amazed with a smile that covered her whole face.
"Yes they did"
"Is that why you told me to trust her grams?"
"Let me explain..." She passed through a few more pages before Gabriella's picture apeared "here it is...the first entrance about Gabriella that Peny Anne did...Penny Anne is the witch who made the potion for Mr Christopher Martyr" O.M.G!! Is that possible?
"We are all linked" said Jenny, her eyes opened like a buho's.
"So...does this mean you know about..."
"Vampires? Yes I do and so well that I know you are dating one, the same one Gabriella dated to be exact"
"I'm not with him anymore"
"Why?" She said surprised. I don't understand this, hello VAMPIRE?? Why would she want me to be with him?
"Long story"
"You are gonna have to trust me too Gabrielle. Everything will be ok if we stick together" she's all the time saying that sentence but she ain't explaining why.
"Ok then, let me first tell you what I know about your past cause you are Gabriella, different mind, different persona but are her. I'm pretty sure you've been having your old memories back and my granddaughter told me that when she tried to read your past she couldn't"
"That's what I don't get" Jenny interrupted "if she's still Gabriella why couldn't I read her hand?"
"It doesn't work like that honey...she shouldn't even remember anything of her past. This kind of things rarerly occure, but when they do you need to pay attention and be careful" I'm getting scared now...let's hear another side of the story.
"The first time Penny Anne saw Gabriella was by Christopher's hand. She knew him and Leonard since they were kids but lately she felt something was strange, they weren't normal people anymore and she was concerned about Gabriella's safety as she knew the McGraw's family and respected them. Every now and then she used to check on Gabriella, she feared she would become what Christopher was...a vampire. Even thou she knew Christopher was a vampire too she was still looking after him. Gabriella seemed in love and Christopher too, he never did anything wrong, never hurt anybody, strange for a vampire but true. Penny followed him a few times to see him feed from animals, he noticed that one day and they confronted each other. Nothing bad happened, he explained and she understood but she never left Gabriella off guard. Later on things got messed up, Leonard the rebel came back and he won Gabriella's heart making Christopher misserable" and there she stopped talking, why did she stop talking?
"What happened next?" Said Jenny intrigued as I was.
"She'll have to see it for herself" said Penelope and went to the kitchen. Jenny and I looked at each other wondering what she meant by that.
After a few minutes she came back with a mug, she walked up to me and offered it to me, to drink.
I looked at it with a bit of disgust, it didn't smell nice.
Jenny was looking at me with enourmus eyes; she wanted me to drink it...meanwhile Penelope was still with her arms streched waiting for me to take the mug.
I finally took it and after a few seconds of doubting if to drink it or not I took a zip.
Jenny was still looking at me and Penelope sat back again on her seat, she was looking at me as well but not like Jenny, it looked as if she was waiting for something to happen.
Jenny asked me a few times if I was ok which was starting to tire me up. I was feeling ok, nothing new happened, nothing changed...and then suddenly I felt light headed, the room was moving around and around, I felt dizzy, I tried to reach the back seat so I could lie my back on it and I finally closed my eyes.
I hate when this happens...are you telling me that I'm dreaming again? So this is what she meant...I'm gonna have to see it for myself, nah...not good.
I woke up in the woods and I wasn’t pleased by it. The woods felt different, scarier. Why was I so scared? This ain’t real right? As I stood up I realized that I was wearing a period dress again *sigh* what is all this about… I started walking; strangely enough I knew where I was going so I walked. Something felt really strange and without realising it, I was running. I could feel something behind me so I run faster. I could finally see the light ahead me in between the trees, I was almost out but I heard my name and that made me stop. Somebody called my name. Hold on... did I hear my name? I kept running and when I was almost out I tripped and fell.

“Did you just come from the woods?” that voice…I turned around and there he was as gorgeous as always
“Didn’t you hear me last time? I thought I told you not to walk alone and less in the woods” He said with a soft tone, it reminded me of the way he used to talk to the history teacher, but I don’t get this picture, why is he talking to me? I’m obviously in the past but why is he acknowledging me?
“Gabriella, are you listening to me?” oh please tell me he didn’t just call me Gabriella. while I was trying to figure out what was going on he’s expression darkened, he looked frustrated.
“Blood” he said and I remembered, I’m bleeding, he’s a vampire, my mind screamed DANGER! But my body was comfortable. He ripped his shirt and with a peace of fabric he cleaned the blood on my hand.
“You need to be more careful Gabriella” His expression became brighter “your hands are too precious” he said and continued cleaning my hand. My heart was racing and it was so weird to have him touching me again after I told him yesterday that I didn’t want to see him again. But of course, the Christopher that is standing before me doesn’t know about what I said to him or what I’ll say to him…you know what I mean.
He turned my hand around and his expression darkened again, I was looking at his face all the time and when I saw that dark expression I wondered what was wrong, I looked at my hand and O.M.G!!! There was a ring on my finger; a big bright diamond was blinding me. He then let go of my hand.
“Let’s go Miss McGraw, I’ll take you home” Miss McGraw did he say? Hold up, Gabriella McGraw? Darn it!!! Am I playing Gabriella? Shit, shit, shit!!! Am I actually here? It can be, can it?
“Mr Martyr?” I said with a moking tone. Did I just call him by his surname?
“Yes?” He looked at me with a frown and then his eyes brightened a little.
"I know this is difficult for you to acomplish but I'd like to plead you one more time, I would very much enjoy the night if you could be there tonight" what the heck am I talking about? "Miss McGraw" he said with a sweet voice "stop calling me by my family name Christopher, I'm no estranger to you" wow I look angry.
"Miss..Gabriella, *sigh* I don't even know how can I still be next to you right now while knowing you will announce your engagment in a few hours" MY WHAT!! I thought, and what I said was “you know you will always be in my heart but you must accept my decision, I know I'm being selfish but you mean a lot to me. I need you there tonight” I said with a tone that obviously a lady like me shouldn't have and then i got dizzy.
“Are you not feeling well? If that’s the case you should delay tonight’s announcement” he said with a cheecky smile
“You wish” said another voice coming from behind us; I turned around to see Leonard with frown. As soon as they caught each others eyes I could see the sparks coming from them. It felt as if they were about to fight. After a few seconds Leonard’s eyes fell on me.
“My lady” he said and kissed my hand *sigh* this is intense.
“You can leave now cousin, I’ll take my future wife from here” said Leonard emphasising on WIFE, Christopher gave him a last glance before leaving without even saying goodbye; it really hurt me to see him like that.This was killing him, I could see it clearly and I could feel it…so I'm about to announce my engagement to Leonard? But why do I feel like this? I feel happy to be with him and at the same time my heart is aching.
“My lady, Is everything all right? I heard my cousin saying that you are not feeling well” I didn't answer him, at this moment in time I couldn't make out what was happening, I thought this was going to be like one of my dreams, I was supposed to just observe not to feel but I can't control this body, it looks like I'll have to go with the flow… but why do I feel like this? Every step away from me that Christopher takes is making my heart ache and at the same time Leonards touch makes me certain that I love him.
Leonard so different than the one I know; he still has this bad boy aura but he’s so sweet and considered.
Leonard so different than the one I know; he still has this bad boy aura but he’s so sweet and considered.
“My lady, we need to go. You wouldn’t like to be late for our engagement” I suddenly snapped out of it, engagement? Tonight, is tonight! Gabriella dies tonight I die tonight.
"Grams, do you think she's ok?" Said Jenny while looking at Gabrille's uncomfortable body still lying on the sofa of her grams house.
"She must be, we just need to wait"
There's not much difference from how the town looked before as to how it looks now or how it will look. The houses are still the same and the atmostphere too.

In town kids playing around, merchants on the street, red flagsssss, red flags!!! "Somebody else has been attacked" I said without me wanting to, I really have no control of this body and what it says.
"Yes my lady, but don't you worry about that. There must be some animal around" said Leonard very calm
"But this is the 3rd victim Leo, are you sure is just an animal" I said and his expression darkened "is there something wrong?" I asked and then he looked at me with a sad expression. "Is the first time that you call me Leo, mother used to call me like that" he said. Darn it!!! Gabriella shouldn’t have said anything but surprisingly he asked me to call him like that more often. I couldn’t help by smile and not because it was Gabriella’s body but because I felt like it.
The rest of the day I spend it with my parents, it was wonderful to be able to feel the warmth of a family again, a big family because I had cousins, uncles and aunties around me the whole day. And especially what made me happier was to have somebody to call mum even thou for a while I was treated as Gabriella and she was loved by everyone.
The night came and I was in my room resting for a bit before the ceremony started. I was so comfortable in that bed that I even forgot where I was but after a few minutes I suddenly woke up and started walking out my room and out the house. I didn’t know where I was going but my body did. It felt as if I perfectly knew where I was going and I felt anxious, I started to run trying to hide from the citizen’s eyes till I arrived to the woods. Why was I here? I’ve been told not to come here, what am I doing here? I kept walking till I arrived to an abandoned house, I was hiding from something while walking forward, but what was it? And then I saw it, something I could’ve never imagined. There kneeling over a dear was Christopher feeding from it. I wasn’t even scared; I could feel my body walking forward while my mind was screaming to get out of there. But I just sat down at a corner of the house and I watched him feed as if nothing important was happening.
Renzo was sat on the sofa in the living room, something was bothering him. Usually you wouldn’t even notice that he’s in the same room as you but now even the twins were irritated by him. Something was in his mind and he didn’t like it at all.
After I got home I got ready and I was walking through a long corridor, I was wearing a beautiful dress, I never thought I could look so good, I can tell that being in the 17th century is my thing. Music…I hear music so I walk towards it. It becomes louder and I can hear people talking and laughing too.
On my way I catch my reflection in the mirror and I stop to look at it. I look beautiful and then I see my medallion, I smile at the thought of having it around my neck, it was an important present and it had to be with me at all time, it was special.
I kept walking and finally found the place where the music and voices were coming from…it was a ball dance. Wow I'm having a big déjà vu in this dream like reality. People turned to look at me when I came in, I received a lot of smiles and praising comments, I felt really happy, tonight was going to be a special night.
I walked towards an old man that hugged me and kissed my cheek when he saw me.
“Thank you very much for allowing us to use your home for our celebration” I said to him
“It’s an honour Miss McGraw; you well know that he’s like a son to me” he said with a huge smile, O.M.G I'm talking to Christopher’s father…my mouth just kept moving.
“Leonard’s not here yet and I can’t find Christopher either”
“He must be on his way, not to worry” I smiled at him, lowered my head in reverence and walked away, away from the room, away from the noise and into…huh oh! This room again. I know where I am, it’s gonna happen here. I tried to run away but my legs wouldn’t move towards the door, instead I walked towards my dressing table and started making myself look prettier.
I shivered suddenly, something was about to happen. I heard a scream from one of the rooms and I ran towards it to take a quick look. I saw one of my guards being attacked by something, I gasped but I couldn't move. Then my eyes met its red eyes and I screamed as that thing snapped the head of the guard and flew across the hall, through the door and into my room.
Its red eyes focused on me, Leonard? my body didn't seem to recognize him at first but then it did...his glance focused on my neck? On my medallion. "Gabriella" he said and then he showed his canine teeth at me furiously. I could hear people knocking on my door but I wasn't screaming anymore.
“Leonard, I know what you are and I don’t care, I know that you don’t want to do this” He stood still for a while looking into my eyes, I thought he calmed down but he walked towards me so fast that it was a blur, in no second he was in front of me, ripped my medallion from its chain, opened his mouth and yanked his teeth in my neck. I screamed as pain was running through my body, I felt as if I was being stabbed a hundred times, tears were pouring off my eyes, my lips were burning.
“Leonard, Leo, Leo” I said again and again but he didn’t let me go. I couldn’t handle the pain anymore “Leo” I said one last time.
I woke up screaming at Penelope’s house, I looked around to make sure I was there and alive. Jenny was looking at me really shocked and I felt like I was about to pass out again.
“Are you ok?” said Penelope and I quickly checked my neck. I found nothing.
“Calm down, breathe…whatever you saw, whatever happened wasn’t real” she kept saying. “I thought I was supposed to just watch” I said really hyper “what do you mean?” said Jenny “I could feel everything!! The pain, the love, the pain!!!! I was dying” “no you weren’t, Gabriella was” said Penelope “yeah, but that didn’t prevent me from feeling her pain as my own pain, I was there. It was not as my usual dreams, I was Gabriella, feeling, talking. I was just seeing things happening with no control of my body, like watching a movie but being there in the movie”
“Have you found anything out?” said Jenny
“Yes. She knew what they were”
“What?” said Penelope and Jenny.
“She knew they were vampires and she just hung out with them, what a stupid thing to do”
“Gabrielle, you are her” said Jenny which annoyed me a lot.
“I'm nothing like her, I’ve learned a lot with what I’ve seen today. She trusted in them, she loved them but they never told her the truth. They always bragged about how much they were suffering and how much they loved her but they were risking her life having her so close. I saw it all, she pleaded. I pleaded and pleaded for him to let me go but he didn't.
“He was under a spell Gabr..”
“No!!” I interrupted Penelope “I don’t want to hear that. Jenny you said that my déjà vu’s were trying to tell me something right? Well here it is, if I don’t stay away from them I will end up like Gabriella and I’m telling you right now that there’s no way I'm letting that happen to me again”
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